πŸ™ The 9-Day Email Blitz

your AI-powered product launch/relaunch blueprint

Hey there, solopreneur!

Product launches can be a rollercoaster.

Some solopreneurs hit it out of the park, while others (tbh most) struggle to gain traction.

So, what’s the differentiator?

A strategically crafted email sequence. It's the secret ingredient that turns interested prospects into eager buyers.

The thing is, crafting an effective email campaign takes time, skill, and a deep understanding of customer psychology.

But that's where AI comes in.

Today, I'm sharing a powerful AI prompt that can help create a high-converting 9-day email campaign for you in minutes custom-tailored to your product.

"The fortune is in the follow-up."

Zig Ziglar

In today’s newsletter, we'll cover:

  • Why a strategic email sequence is crucial for maximizing your launch sales (no more "hope and pray" marketing)

  • The "AI-Powered 9-Day Product Launch Sequence" prompt that crafts a ready-to-deploy campaign tailored to your offer

  • How the launch/relaunch model creates scarcity, allows for continuous improvement, and drives sales

Let’s. Dive. In. 🀿

How I Gained 100K Followers in Under 3 Months

As someone who's built a thriving online business from scratch, I know firsthand how game-changing the right strategies can be.

After losing nearly everything in the FTX crypto collapse, I was determined to rebuild stronger than ever.

That's when I discovered the power of AI for content creation.

By leveraging AI tools and frameworks, I was able to:

  • Create a week's worth of high-quality content in just 1 hour

  • Skyrocket my audience growth to 100K followers in 65 days

  • Generate content that authentically resonated with my ideal audience

The results were so transformative that I knew I had to share my strategies with fellow solopreneurs.

And so, The AI Audience Accelerator was born.

Why a Strategic Email Sequence is Your Secret Sauce for Sizzling Sales

You've spent months perfecting your digital course, pouring your expertise into every module and worksheet.

Launch day arrives, and you fire off a single email to your list:

"Hey guys, my course is live! Click here to buy!"

And then... nothing. Nada. Zilch.

You refresh your sales dashboard obsessively, wondering where you went wrong.

Here's the harsh truth:

A single "buy now" email is about as effective as trying to put out a forest fire with a water gun.

In today's noisy digital landscape, you need a carefully orchestrated sequence of emails to:

  • Build anticipation and excitement for your offer

  • Overcome objections before they even arise

  • Create a sense of urgency that compels people to buy NOW

That's where the 9-day email sales sequence comes in.

  • Warm up your audience and prime them for the sale (no cold pitches here!)

  • Showcase the transformative power of your offer through stories and case studies

  • Create FOMO (fear of missing out) that drives people to take action

  • Maximize your conversion rates by hitting different pain points and desires

In fact, many of you reading this have probably received some of my own launch sequences for my two products β€” The AI Audience Accelerator and The AI Course Creator (relaunching next week actually!).

But crafting a sequence that pushes all the right emotional buttons?

That's easier said than done.

You need to know your audience inside and out, structure your emails for maximum impact, and infuse every message with persuasive power.

Fortunately, that's where our good friend AI comes to the rescue.

With the right prompt, you can generate a ready-to-deploy email sequence faster than you can say "cha-ching!"

And I'm about to walk you through the process, step by step.

But first, let's talk about why the launch/relaunch model is so dang effective:

  1. Scarcity sells: By only opening your doors for a limited time, you create a sense of urgency that motivates people to buy NOW instead of "someday."

  2. Continuous improvement: Closing your offer allows you to gather feedback, make improvements, and come back even stronger next time.

  3. Event-driven marketing: Launches create excitement and give you a reason to show up in people's inboxes (instead of feeling like you're constantly pestering them to buy).

  4. Focus and energy: Concentrated launch periods allow you to pour all your energy into marketing and selling, rather than trying to do it all the time.

Now, let's dive into the AI prompt that'll help you craft a killer sequence...

The "AI-Powered 9-Day Product Launch Sequence" Prompt

Feed your offer details into this prompt, and watch AI craft a mouthwatering 9-day email sequence that'll have your audience salivating to buy:

I need help creating a 9-day email sequence for my upcoming product launch. Here are the details:
Please create a 9-day email sequence that builds anticipation, overcomes objections, and drives sales. The sequence should include:

Day 1: Announcement email (3 days before launch) - Build excitement and give a sneak peek of what's coming
Day 2: Pre-launch content (2 days before launch) - Provide valuable content related to the product's topic
Day 3: Personal story/transformation email (1 day before launch) - Share your journey and how it relates to the product
Day 4: Launch day email - Announce that doors are open and highlight key benefits
Day 5: Benefit-oriented email - Deep dive into the transformative power of your offer
Day 6: Case study or testimonial email - Share a success story to build credibility
Day 7: Overcome objections email - Address common concerns and hesitations
Day 8: Urgency email with FAQ - Remind subscribers that time is running out and address frequently asked questions
Day 9: Last chance email - Final call to action before doors close

For each email, please provide:

A compelling subject line that entices opens
A brief outline of the email content
Key points to cover
A strong call-to-action

The emails should be written in a conversational, engaging tone that builds excitement and creates a sense of urgency without being pushy.
Use storytelling, clear analogies, and emotional appeals to connect with the reader and showcase the transformative power of the product.


  1. Replace [INSERT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION] with a comprehensive description of your offer. Include: β€’ Product name and brief overview β€’ Target audience β€’ Main pain points it solves β€’ Key benefits β€’ Price β€’ How long the cart will be open (You can also just copy-paste your landing page copy as well).

    • Example: "The AI Audience Accelerator is a digital product teaching solopreneurs how to leverage AI for rapid audience growth. It's designed for ambitious solopreneurs who want to grow their online presence but struggle with consistent content creation and marketing. The course solves the pain points of overwhelm from daily content creation, slow audience growth despite long hours, and difficulty standing out in a crowded online space. Key benefits include creating a week's worth of high-quality content in just 1 hour, growing your audience 10x faster using AI-powered strategies, and developing a unique brand voice that attracts ideal clients. The price is $247, and the cart will be open for 5 days."

Here’s what the prompt output for me based on my product example:

Pretty slick, right?

With this AI-generated sequence as your foundation, all that's left is to:

  1. Flesh out the emails with your unique voice and personal stories

  2. Add any product-specific details or bonuses

  3. Queue them up in your email service provider

Before you know it, you'll have a high-converting launch sequence ready to go!

  • Why a strategic email sequence is crucial for maximizing your launch sales (no more "hope and pray" marketing)

  • The "AI-Powered 9-Day Product Launch Sequence" prompt that crafts a ready-to-deploy campaign tailored to your offer

  • How the launch/relaunch model creates scarcity, allows for continuous improvement, and drives sales

Now you've got the secret sauce to turn your next launch into a wild success.

Remember, the key is to provide value at every step, build genuine excitement, and create a sense of urgency that compels people to take action.

And with AI in your corner, crafting that perfect sequence became easier than skiing a bunny slope.

Keep diving,


P.S. β€” Over 290 people enrolled in the AI Course Creator recently.

Missed it?

>>> Join the waitlist for the next launch.

P.P.S. β€” Don't have an audience to sell to yet?

No problem.

My first course β€” The AI Audience Accelerator β€” will help you leverage AI to go viral with ease and create 1 week of content in 1 hour.

It's the ultimate tool for accelerating your X and LinkedIn audience growth faster than the competition.

(I used these AI systems to go from 0 to 100K X followers in 65 days).

​>>> Click here to check it out.

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