πŸ™ The Art of the Upsell

value ladders for smart solopreneurs

Hey there, solopreneur!

Ever feel like you're stuck in a pricing rut, offering the same ol' product or service to everyone who crosses your path?

You know deep down that some of your customers would happily pay more for premium offerings...

But you're not quite sure how to structure your business to capture those high-ticket sales without alienating your bread-and-butter clients.

Sound familiar?

Well, my friend, it's time to introduce you to the magical world of value ladders.

"Give them a taste for free, and they'll come back begging for the whole meal."

Today, we're diving deep into the art and science of creating a value ladder that'll have your customers climbing higher (and paying more) with a spring in their step.

Get ready to discover:

  • What the heck a value ladder is and why it's the secret sauce to scaling your solopreneur empire

  • The 5 essential rungs every killer value ladder needs (hint: you're probably missing at least 2)

  • My "Value Ladder Blueprint" prompt for crafting an irresistible ascension model that practically sells itself

Let's. Start. Climbing. πŸ§—β€β™‚οΈ

How I Gained 100K Followers in Under 3 Months

As someone who's built a thriving online business from scratch, I know firsthand how game-changing the right strategies can be.

After losing nearly everything in the FTX crypto collapse, I was determined to rebuild stronger than ever.

That's when I discovered the power of AI for content creation.

By leveraging AI tools and frameworks, I was able to:

  • Create a week's worth of high-quality content in just 1 hour

  • Skyrocket my audience growth to 100K followers in 65 days

  • Generate content that authentically resonated with my ideal audience

The results were so transformative that I knew I had to share my strategies with fellow solopreneurs.

And so, The AI Audience Accelerator was born.

Why You're Bleeding Money Without a Value Ladder

Picture this:

You're scrolling through your favorite app store, looking for a new productivity tool.

You stumble upon an app that promises to revolutionize your workflow. It's got a free trial, so you figure, "Why not?"

You download it, fall in love with the interface, and start using it religiously.

A week later, you get a notification: "Upgrade to Pro for advanced features!"

You hesitate... but then you remember how much time the app has already saved you. You upgrade without a second thought.

Fast forward a few months, and you're crushing your goals. The app sends another notification: "Join our exclusive mastermind for power users!"

It's pricey, but you're making more money than ever thanks to your increased productivity. You sign up, eager to take things to the next level.

That, my friend, is a value ladder in action.

And it's not just for fancy tech companies. Every solopreneur needs one.

Here's why:

  1. You meet customers where they are: Not everyone's ready to drop big bucks right away. A value ladder lets you serve customers at every price point.

  2. You build trust over time: By delivering value at each step, you prove your worth and make bigger purchases feel like no-brainers.

  3. You increase customer lifetime value: Instead of one-and-done transactions, you create a journey that keeps customers coming back for more.

  4. You stand out from the crowd: While your competitors are stuck offering one-size-fits-all solutions, you're providing a tailored experience for every customer.

But here's the kicker:

Most solopreneurs are leaving money on the table by not having a proper value ladder in place.

They're either trying to sell their top-tier offer to cold traffic (good luck with that) or they're underselling themselves with low-ticket items that barely cover the bills.

It's time to change that. Let's build you a value ladder that'll have your bank account doing backflips.

The 5 Essential Rungs of a Killer Value Ladder

Now that you're on board the value ladder train, let's break down the key components you need to create an ascension model that works.

  1. The "Freebie" Rung

This is where you hook 'em. Offer something irresistible that solves a pressing problem for your ideal customer. It could be:

  • A free ebook

  • A value-packed webinar

  • A killer checklist or template

The goal? Get them into your world and show them you know your stuff.

  1. The "Tripwire" Rung

Time to turn those leads into paying customers. Offer a low-cost, high-value product that's a no-brainer purchase. Think:

  • A $7 mini-course

  • A $27 toolkit or resource bundle

  • A $47 one-time consultation

This is where you start building that crucial know-like-trust factor.

  1. The "Core Offer" Rung

This is your bread and butter. It's the main product or service that solves your customer's big problem. Could be:

  • A $297 comprehensive online course

  • A $497/month coaching program

  • A $997 done-for-you service package

Make it so good they can't help but rave about it to their friends.

  1. The "High-Ticket" Rung

For those customers who want the VIP treatment. This is where you pull out all the stops:

  • A $2,000 small group mastermind

  • A $5,000 one-on-one intensive

  • A $10,000 done-for-you + coaching hybrid

Deliver massive value and transformative results at this level.

  1. The "Continuity" Rung

The secret sauce to predictable revenue. Create an offer that keeps customers paying month after month:

  • A $47/month membership community

  • A $97/month software subscription

  • A $197/month ongoing coaching program

This is how you create true financial freedom in your business.

Now, I know what you're thinking:

"Ole, this sounds great and all, but how the heck do I actually put this together for MY business?"

I'm glad you asked. Let me introduce you to my secret AI weapon...

The Value Ladder Launcher Prompt

Ready to craft a value ladder that'll have your customers climbing higher (and paying more) faster than you can say "cha-ching"?

Just plug your business details into this AI-powered prompt and watch the magic happen:

I need help creating a compelling value ladder for my solopreneur business. Here are the details:


Please generate a 5-step value ladder for my business, including:

A "Freebie" offer to attract leads
A low-cost "Tripwire" to convert leads to customers
My core offer (based on what I provided)
A premium "High-Ticket" offer for my best customers
A "Continuity" offer for recurring revenue

For each step of the value ladder, please provide:

A catchy name for the offer
A brief description of what it includes
The price point
The main benefit or transformation it provides
How it leads naturally to the next step up the ladder

Please ensure that each offer builds on the previous one and provides increasing value as the price increases. The value ladder should feel like a natural progression for my customers.


  1. Replace [INSERT YOUR NICHE] with your specific area of expertise.

    β€’ Example: "AI-powered content creation and marketing for solopreneurs"

  2. Fill in [DESCRIBE YOUR IDEAL CUSTOMER] with key details about your target audience.

    β€’ Example: "Ambitious solopreneurs and online business owners who are overwhelmed by content creation and want to leverage AI to scale their business, save time, and increase their impact"

  3. Input [DESCRIBE YOUR MAIN PRODUCT/SERVICE] with info about your current core offering.

    β€’ Example: "The AI Audience Accelerator - a comprehensive course that teaches solopreneurs how to use AI tools to create high-quality content, grow their audience, and automate their marketing processes. Priced at $250"

Here’s an example of it’s output for my above inputs:

  • What a value ladder is and why it's the secret sauce to scaling your solopreneur empire (cha-ching!)

  • The 5 essential rungs every killer value ladder needs (are you missing any?)

  • My "Value Ladder Blueprint" prompt for crafting an irresistible ascension model that practically sells itself

Take a hard look at your current offers.

Are you leaving money on the table by not having a clear value ladder in place? (Spoiler alert: If you're not using one, you probably are.)

Use the prompt I shared to brainstorm how you could create a more compelling ascension model for your business.

Remember, you don't have to build the whole thing overnight.

Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was Jeff Bezos' bank account.

Start with your core offer and add one rung at a time.

Keep climbing,


P.S. β€” Over 230 people enrolled in the AI Course Creator recently.

Missed it?

>>> Join the waitlist for the next launch.

P.P.S. β€” Don't have an audience to sell to yet?

No problem.

My first course β€” The AI Audience Accelerator β€” will help you leverage AI to go viral with ease and create 1 week of content in 1 hour.

It's the ultimate tool for accelerating your X and LinkedIn audience growth faster than the competition.

(I used these AI systems to go from 0 to 100K X followers in 65 days).

​>>> Click here to check it out.

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