🐙 Why I Ditched Google for Perplexity

and why you should too (no, this isn't sponsored)

Hey there, solopreneur!

Google search is broken.

We've all been there - typing in a simple query only to be bombarded with ads, irrelevant results, an endless maze of links, and enough SEO-optimized fluff to stuff a warehouse full of pillows.

Enter Perplexity AI — the search engine that's been living in my brain rent-free for the past few weeks.

Now, before you roll your eyes and assume this is some sponsored fluff piece, let me be crystal clear:

I use the free version, and Perplexity isn't paying me a dime. (Though if they're reading this... call me, maybe? 😉)

"The future of search is about the answers, not just the links."

Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft

Today, I'm pulling back the curtain on why I recently made the switch from Google to Perplexity, and why it's been a game-changer for my solopreneur workflow.

You'll discover:

  • The mind-blowing benefits of this AI-powered search engine for busy solopreneurs

  • How to break free from the Google habit that's holding you back

  • Real-world examples of how Perplexity can supercharge your research and brainstorming process

Let's. Get. Perplexed. 🤿

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Now it's your turn. And it’s FREE.

Why I'm Head Over Heels for Perplexity (And You Will Be Too)

Like pretty much everyone here, I’ve been using Google since forever.

I actually can’t even remember a time when I wasn’t using Google on the internet.

But a few weeks ago, I decided to take Perplexity for a spin. And holy smokes, what a ride it's been.

It's like upgrading from a rusty bicycle to a Tesla. Sure, they both get you from A to B, but one of them does it with style, efficiency, and a whole lot less sweat.

yes, i think the cybertruck looks cool

Now, I find myself using Perplexity for about 90% of my searches.

…only crawling back to Google when I need to find the nearest taco truck or need more image selection.


  • Time Efficiency: No more endless scrolling through pages of "meh" results. Perplexity serves up the good stuff, fast.

  • Ad-Free Bliss: My screen is no longer a billboard for products I looked at once three months ago. It's like AdBlock for your entire search experience.

  • Quality Information: It's like having a team of research assistants who actually read the articles before summarizing them for you.

  • Conversation-Style Searches: Ask follow-up questions, clarify points, or go off on fun tangents. It's like chatting with the world's most knowledgeable (and patient) librarian.

  • Source Transparency: Every bit of info comes with receipts. No more wondering if you're reading facts or fiction.

But here's the kicker:

Even though Perplexity is objectively better for most searches, I found myself defaulting back to Google out of sheer muscle memory.

It's like when you get a new phone and keep reaching for the home button that's no longer there. Your muscle memory takes a while to catch up with the upgrade.

The solution? I bit the bullet and set Perplexity as my default search engine.

Game. Changer.

Here’s how to set Perplexity as your default search engine in Chrome:

  1. Open Google Chrome: Launch the Chrome browser on your computer.

  2. Access Chrome Settings: Click on the three vertical dots in the top-right corner to open the menu, then select Settings.

  3. Navigate to Search Engine Settings: In the left sidebar, click on Search engine, then select Manage search engines and site search.

  4. Add Perplexity AI: Scroll down to the Site search section and click on Add. In the dialog box, fill in the following details:

    • Name: Perplexity AI

    • Shortcut: @perplexity

    • URL: https://www.perplexity.ai/search?q=%s

  5. Set as Default: After adding Perplexity AI, click on the three dots next to it in the Site search section and select Make default.

Or, if you prefer a video walkthrough, just watch this:

Now, every time I instinctively search for something, I'm greeted with Perplexity's clean interface and spot-on results.

It's like my browser got a brain transplant.

For us solopreneurs, this upgrade is huge. We're talking:

  • Research that takes half the time

  • Content creation fueled by high-quality, easily digestible information

  • Marketing campaigns inspired by deep dives into consumer behavior and trends

  • The most epic brainstorming partner

All without the soul-crushing distraction of ads or the mind-numbing frustration of irrelevant results.

But my absolute favorite feature? The ability to ask follow-up questions and brainstorm ideas on the fly.

It's like having a never-ending conversation with the world's knowledge base.

You start with a broad query, then drill down with increasingly specific questions, uncovering insights you never even knew you were looking for.

For example, let's say you're exploring email marketing strategies:

  1. Initial query: "Best email marketing strategies for solopreneurs"

  2. Follow-up: "How does personalization impact open rates?"

  3. Deeper dive: "Tools for automated email personalization on a budget"

  4. Specific use case: "Case studies of solopreneurs using personalized emails to increase sales"

With each question, Perplexity serves up relevant, sourced information, allowing you to quickly become an expert on any topic.

It's the perfect marriage of ChatGPT's conversational AI and Google's vast knowledge base, minus the hallucinations and the endless “Sponsored” links that drive me insane (like Stewie).


  • Why Perplexity is the search engine solopreneurs have been dreaming of (hint: it involves less hair-pulling and more productive searching)

  • How to break free from the Google habit that's been holding you back (it's easier than quitting caffeine, I promise)

  • Real-world examples of how Perplexity can supercharge your research and brainstorming process (because who doesn't want a 24/7 brainstorming buddy?)

So here's my challenge to you:

For the next week, make Perplexity your default search engine.

I guarantee you'll be amazed at how much time you save, how much cleaner it is than Google, and how much more relevant information you uncover.

Your productivity (and sanity) will thank you.

And hey, if Perplexity wants to sponsor me after this glowing review, I wouldn't say no.

But until then, I'll keep singing their praises for free, because that's just how good it is.

Keep diving,


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