πŸ™ The Name Game

let AI brainstorm perfect brand (or rebrand) names for you

Hey there, solopreneur!

Got a killer business idea but can't nail down the perfect name?

Or maybe you're looking to rebrand, launch a new product line, or give your newsletter a catchy title?

You've got a killer idea, a burning passion, and the skills to back it up...

But for some reason, you just can't pull the trigger on launching your business because you haven't found that oh-so-perfect name.

Well, I've got news for you: You're not alone.

But don't let naming paralysis keep you stuck.

Because with the power of AI, I’m gonna show you how you can generate spot-on names for any aspect of your brand faster than you can say "market disruption."

"A brand name is more than a word. It is the beginning of a conversation."


Today, we're diving deep into the world of brand naming - why it matters, why it shouldn't hold you back, and how AI can help you generate the perfect name to accurately convey your brand value, whether it's for your entire business or just a new product line.

Get ready to discover:

  • Why your brand names are crucial (but not as crucial as you think)

  • How naming paralysis is the silent killer of entrepreneurial progress (and why you need to get over it)

  • The "Name Genius" AI prompt that'll have you drowning in catchy name ideas faster than you can update your LinkedIn profile

Let’s. Dive. In. 🀿

How I Gained 100K Followers in Under 3 Months

As someone who's built a thriving online business from scratch, I know firsthand how game-changing the right strategies can be.

After losing nearly everything in the FTX crypto collapse, I was determined to rebuild stronger than ever.

That's when I discovered the power of AI for content creation.

By leveraging AI tools and frameworks, I was able to:

  • Create a week's worth of high-quality content in just 1 hour

  • Skyrocket my audience growth to 100K followers in 65 days

  • Generate content that authentically resonated with my ideal audience

The results were so transformative that I knew I had to share my strategies with fellow solopreneurs.

And so, The AI Audience Accelerator was born.

Why Your Brand Names Matter (But Not As Much As You Think)

Let's get one thing straight:

Names are important.

Whether it's your business name, product line, or newsletter title, it's often the first impression you make on potential customers.

It's the foundation of your brand identity, and what people will (hopefully) be shouting from the rooftops when they fall in love with your offerings.

A great name can:

  • Grab attention faster than a cat video on TikTok

  • Convey your brand's personality/value quicker than a New York minute

  • Stick in people's minds like that annoying song you can't get out of your head

Take "The AI Solopreneur" for example. This name effectively combines two key elements:

  1. "AI" - instantly communicating the focus on cutting-edge technology

  2. "Solopreneur" - targeting a specific audience of solo entrepreneurs

It's clear, catchy, and immediately tells potential followers what they're going to get. What you see is what you get.

Or consider "Shopify" β€”

A name that cleverly combines "shop" with "simplify," perfectly encapsulating their mission to make e-commerce easier for business owners.

Another great example is "Slack" β€”

Short, punchy, and with a double meaning. It's both a term for casual conversation (which the platform enables) and an acronym for "Searchable Log of All Conversation and Knowledge."

But here's the kicker:

Your brand names are NOT the be-all and end-all of your success. They're not going to magically make your product better, your service more valuable, or your marketing more effective.

They're just pieces of the puzzle. Important pieces, sure, but not the whole picture.


  • A mediocre business with great names will fail

  • A great business with mediocre names will succeed

So why do I see so many aspiring entrepreneurs get stuck in the naming phase?

It's simple: fear and perfectionism.

You're afraid of choosing the wrong name and dooming your venture before it even starts.

You're convinced that if you just keep brainstorming, you'll stumble upon that perfect, magical combination of words that'll guarantee your success.

Newsflash: That perfect name doesn't exist.

What does exist is a whole world of potential customers out there waiting for the solution only you can provide.

And every day you spend agonizing over names is another day they're left waiting.

So here's my challenge to you:

Stop using naming as an excuse not to start or expand.

Pick names that are good enough (we'll get to how in a second) and get moving. You can always rebrand later if you need to.

Remember: Done is better than perfect.

Now, let's talk about how AI can help you get unstuck and find names that are more than good enough – they might even be great.

The "Name Genius" Prompt

Ready to generate a tsunami of catchy, brand-worthy names faster than you can say "entrepreneurial success"?

Just plug your business details into this prompt and watch the magic happen:

I need help brainstorming catchy and memorable name ideas for my [BUSINESS/PRODUCT/NEWSLETTER TYPE].


My target audience is [TARGET AUDIENCE DESCRIPTION].

The key qualities or values I want the name to convey are [LIST 3-5 QUALITIES/VALUES].

Some words or concepts related to this are [LIST RELEVANT WORDS].

Please generate 20 unique name ideas based on this information.

For each name, provide:

The name itself

A brief explanation of its meaning or relevance
Why it might appeal to my target audience

The names should be:

Catchy and easy to remember
Relevant to my business/product/newsletter and target audience
Available as a .com domain if it's for a business (you don't need to check this, just aim for uniqueness)
No longer than 2-3 words

Please avoid overly generic names or obvious puns. Focus on names that are clever, unique, and have potential for strong branding.
After listing the names, please suggest your top 3 picks and explain why you
think they're the strongest options.


  1. Replace [BUSINESS/PRODUCT/NEWSLETTER TYPE] with what you're naming.

    • Example: "AI-focused newsletter for entrepreneurs"

  2. Fill in [BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF FOCUS/SERVICES] with your main offerings or focus.

    • Example: "weekly tips on leveraging AI for business growth and efficiency"

  3. Describe your [TARGET AUDIENCE] in detail.

    • Example: "tech-savvy entrepreneurs in their 30s-40s looking to stay ahead of the AI curve"

  4. List [3-5 QUALITIES/VALUES] you want your name to convey.

    • Example: "innovation, efficiency, futuristic, practical"

  5. Provide [RELEVANT WORDS] related to your business/product/newsletter.

    • Example: "AI, automation, growth, future, technology, business"

Here’s an example of it’s output:

  • Why your brand names are crucial (but not as crucial as you think)

  • How naming paralysis is the silent killer of entrepreneurial progress (and why you need to get over it)

  • The "Name Genius" AI prompt that'll have you drowning in catchy name ideas faster than you can say "LLC"

Now, here's your homework:

Use the Name Genius prompt to generate at least 20 name ideas for your business, product, or newsletter.

Pick your top 3, then ask a few trusted friends or potential customers for their input.

Then - and this is the crucial part - PICK ONE AND MOVE ON.

Remember, while names are important, they're not nearly as important as actually launching your business, product, or newsletter and serving your customers.

Don't let perfectionism be the thief of your entrepreneurial dreams.

A good name now is better than a perfect name never.

Now go forth and name that venture! I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Keep diving,


P.S. β€” Over 230 people enrolled in the AI Course Creator recently.

Missed it?

>>> Join the waitlist for the next launch.

P.P.S. β€” Don't have an audience to sell to yet?

No problem.

My first course β€” The AI Audience Accelerator β€” will help you leverage AI to go viral with ease and create 1 week of content in 1 hour.

It's the ultimate tool for accelerating your X and LinkedIn audience growth faster than the competition.

(I used these AI systems to go from 0 to 100K X followers in 65 days).

​>>> Click here to check it out.

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