🐙 How to outline your first educational resource with AI

Get more leads while you sleep

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Greet from the deep,

In today’s edition, I will show you how you can create a 5-day educational email course with ChatGPT.

This edition is long, but It’ll teach you a monetizable skill.

Let’s go:

An educational email course is basically a 5-day sequence of educational emails that you send to people who opt-in for it.

These courses are great because they:

  • Increase your email signups by 30-70%

  • Warm up new subscribers to become customers

  • Help you educate your customers on your product while you sleep

I launched my first one this week, with another one coming up very soon.

In today’s edition, you’ll learn:

  • Why every solopreneur should use at least 1 educational resource to get leads

  • How to use the “Educational Email Writer” prompts to create a 5-part educational resource (in 1 minutes)

  • 2 Softwares to set up your educational email course

  • How to promote your educational email course to get more leads

Let’s d-d-d-d-dive in! 🤿

You need a system.

Get my EXACT blueprint & Prompt Library that Made Me $285,000 From My Own Course Using Artificial Intelligence

If you want to:

  • Research, Outline, Create, And Launch Your Online Course In 2 Weeks Or Less Using AI

  • Get the exact AI Systems that I used to grow my revenue from 0 to $285,000 in 112 days

  • Save $10,000+ you'd usually need to buy consulting and services to create a top-notch course

Why every solopreneur should have at least 1 educational resource for getting leads

I used to think that selling was all about talking about your offer and pitching it to as many people as possible.

But while promoting your offer like that can be helpful…

…I learned that most prospects don’t want to be sold on.

They want to be educated.

Why why?

Well, consider the “intent pyramid” by Sabri Suby.

It is a model for describing the intent of prospects in any given market:

The Intent Pyramid

What’s so interesting about it:

Only around 1-3% of your potential customer base are looking to buy NOW.

When I first heard about this, it hit me harder than Will Smith hit Chris Rock at the 2022 Oscars:

(totally dead meme & real footage but who cares)

So, now you may ask:

“What about the remaining 97-99% of the market that aren’t ready to buy yet?”

Smart question.

The 99% that aren’t ready to buy yet are caught in 3 phases (oversimplified):

The Intent Pyramid Demystified

  • 60% Don’t know they have a problem (that you can solve) yet.

    They are Not Problem Aware.

    For example:

    A social media manager who manually schedules posts because they’re unaware of automated scheduling software.

  • 20% Know they have a problem, but don’t know how to solve it yet.

    They are Problem Aware.

    For example:

    A business owner is not getting enough leads (problem), but they don’t know why (no solution).

  • 17% Know they have a problem and about the potential solutions, but they are still researching the best solution for them.

    They are in Information-Gathering Mode.

    For example:

    A solopreneur is comparing ChatGPT and Claude’s AI models for content creation.

Now, this raises the question:

How do you access (and sell to) this HUGE chunk of the market?

Well, you can’t sell to this part of the market.

Because they aren’t ready to buy yet, and if you try to sell them at this stage, it’s kinda as if you’re walking up with a megaphone to strangers on the street and shouting: 


- probably not the best strategy.


Educate your prospects so that you are the 1st option when they are ready to buy

Rather then hard-pitching the remaining 99%…

…you want to educate them about 4 things:

  1. Highlight a Need: Let folks know there's a challenge they're facing.

  2. Clarify the Problem: Dive deeper into the real issues.

  3. Offer Solutions: Share actionable ways to overcome these challenges.

  4. Why Your Solution is Unique: Tell them why your approach stands out.

Do you see how these 4 educational pillars address the entire intent pyramid?

Constantly address these in your content.

Now, next I want to introduce you to the concept of Educational Lead Magnets:

Educational Lead Magnets are resources that educate your prospects to move them up the intent pyramid (from “I don’t have a problem” to “I want to buy NOW”.

For example:

  • E-books

  • Videos

  • Checklists

  • Free Trainings

  • Educational Email courses


I prefer Educational Email Courses because they have a natural transition into sending newsletters, and give you data about the prospect’s engagement (open rate, clicks, etc).

Here’s how you can create your first:

How to use the “Educational Email Writer” prompts to create a 5-part educational resource (in 1 minutes)

The Educational Email Writer consists of two prompts:


  1. Fill in the [NAME] placeholder with a headline for your educational email course

Because it’s a 5-day course, I recommend you to go with 5 Mistakes, Steps, Benefits, or Templates for your topic - but anything else works.

Name examples:

“The 5 biggest mistakes solopreneurs make related to social media content creation (and how to solve them)”

“5 steps digital marketers can follow to start educating their audience and double their leads”

  1. Fill in the [INSERT CONTEXT] placeholder with as much context as possible about your business

For example:

What do you sell?

What is your target audience? What are their problems?

What is your tone of voice?

(If you have bought the AI Audience Accelerator, you can use the context from it with the shortcut /context)

Here is the prompt for outlining your email course::

I need you to create an outline for a 5-part educational  course called "[NAME]"

For context, [INSERT CONTEXT]



### Idea 1
- Sub point 1
- Sub point 2
- Sub point 3
### Idea 2
- Sub point 1
- Sub point 2
- Sub point 3
### Idea 3
- Sub point 1
- Sub point 2
- Sub point 3


### Idea 1
- Sub point 1
- Sub point 2
- Sub point 3
### Idea 2
- Sub point 1
- Sub point 2
- Sub point 3
### Idea 3
- Sub point 1
- Sub point 2
- Sub point 3


### Idea 1
- Sub point 1
- Sub point 2
- Sub point 3
### Idea 2
- Sub point 1
- Sub point 2
- Sub point 3
### Idea 3
- Sub point 1
- Sub point 2
- Sub point 3


### Idea 1
- Sub point 1
- Sub point 2
- Sub point 3
### Idea 2
- Sub point 1
- Sub point 2
- Sub point 3
### Idea 3
- Sub point 1
- Sub point 2
- Sub point 3


### Idea 1
- Sub point 1
- Sub point 2
- Sub point 3
### Idea 2
- Sub point 1
- Sub point 2
- Sub point 3
### Idea 3
- Sub point 1
- Sub point 2
- Sub point 3

Every DAY should be a headline for the respective day

Every Idea is one Heading inside that DAY

Every Sub point is supportive of the above idea

Prompt 2: Expand your outline into an email course

After getting the outline of the email course, enter this prompt to make ChatGPT write a 5-day email course for you (including a“Day 0” welcome email):

dWell done. Now, please expand this outline into 5 emails ĂĄ 400-800 words each (one for each day) that explain the concepts and ideas you covered in this outline.

Also add a "Day 0" email that introduces the course and the upcoming days, to set expectations.

Use Headings and one-sentence paragraphs situationally to make the formatting skimable for readers. Use a concise, yet conversational tone of voice.

Every email should start with an introduction to the topic of the day and appeal to the self-interest of the reader - make it crystal clear why they need to read the email and what huge benefit they will get from it.

Then, go into the ideas. Delve deeper into the ones you find the most important, and use a varying sentence length with occasional questions to the reader to keep them engaged.

Lastly, wrap up the email with a brief summary of the main epiphany the reader got from reading this email, and teasing the content of next day's email in a curiosity-invoking way - you don't want them to miss out the next day.

Note: The output might not be in your preferred tone of voice, in which case you can ask ChatGPT to:

“Re-write the email course in the tone of voice of this text: [ONE OF YOUR PREVIOUS TEXTS]”

You can also ask ChatGPT to re-format, expand, or compress the email course lessons depending on your needs.

Once you got your email course written, it’s time to set it up:

How to set up your educational email course in ConvertKit

I use ConvertKit because of it’s supreme customisability.

To create a ConvertKit email course automation, do this:

  1. Get ConvertKit

  2. Press “Grow” → “Landing Page & Forms” → “Create new”

  3. Choose 1 of the form templates (that you’ll use to capture emails")

  4. Adjust it to your brand colors and add a headline about what’s inside the course.


It doesn’t need to be perfect.

  1. Change the name of the form to “My email course” and hit “Publish” in the top right corner.

    Copy/paste the published link and open it in a new tab (we’ll need this later)

  2. Press “Automate” → “Visual Automations” → “New Automation” → “Start from scratch”

  3. Select “Joins a Form” and select your “My Email course” form

  4. Then, press “+” and select “Add subscriber to a sequence”. Type “My email course” to create a new sequence, then press “Add Action”

  5. Click on the email sequence. This will open up a view to edit the emails in the sequence

  6. Press “Add email” to the right and add 5 emails (making it 6 in total)

  7. Copy/paste your educational email course lessons from ChatGPT into the Converkit sequence and add a subject line to each (can also be the name of your lesson)


Once you’ve inserted your lessons into the sequence, press “Publish” under each email to make the changes live

Also, press “Live” in the top right corner to turn on your automation

Once you’ve done this, your email course is live!

Share the link of your form (that you have from step 5) on all your channels and start educating your audience.

Here’s 3 tactics you can use to promote your course:

3 ways to promote your educational email course

1) Have it in your bio

2) Plug it under tweets

3) Plug it under LinkedIn posts

Wrap up

  • Why every solopreneur should use at least 1 educational resource to get leads

  • How to use the “Educational Email Writer” prompts to create a 5-part educational resource

  • 2 Softwares to set up your educational email course

  • How to promote your educational email course to get more leads

I’m back in recording mode for my upcoming product launch.

So excited to finally share it with you soon.

Keep diving,


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I made over $260,000 in 112 days selling my online course. I’m now creating a course on how to use AI to build and sell a digital product in record time (without being an expert or paying 10k to consultants)

Don’t have an audience yet to sell to?

No problem, my last course will help you create 1 week’s worth of content

in 1 hour using AI and grow your audience.