πŸ™ The Referral Ripple

multiply your growth with these AI-powered word of mouth marketing strategies

Hey there, solopreneur!

Here's a truth bomb for ya:

Even the best products and content can struggle to gain traction without a little help from friends.

And by friends, I mean your existing customers and their networks.

When was the last time you tried a new product because you saw a random ad?

Now, when was the last time you tried something because a friend wouldn't stop raving about it?


In a world drowning in marketing noise, word-of-mouth is your golden ticket.

It's the most trusted form of advertising, and it's practically free.

But it doesn't just happen on its own.

You need to give your customers a reason to shout your name from the rooftops.

"Word of mouth is the best medium of all."

William Bernbach

Today, we're diving into how you can leverage AI to craft a referral program so irresistible, your customers will be spreading the word faster than gossip at a high school reunion.

You’ll learn:

  • Why referral programs are the secret sauce to explosive growth

  • The "Viral Referral Generator" AI prompt for brainstorming killer referral program ideas

  • Examples of how to implement your AI-generated referral strategies

Let's. Get. Viral. 🦠

How I Gained 100K Followers in Under 3 Months

As someone who's built a thriving online business from scratch, I know firsthand how game-changing the right strategies can be.

After losing nearly everything in the FTX crypto collapse, I was determined to rebuild stronger than ever.

That's when I discovered the power of AI for content creation.

By leveraging AI tools and frameworks, I was able to:

  • Create a week's worth of high-quality content in just 1 hour

  • Skyrocket my audience growth to 100K followers in 65 days

  • Generate content that authentically resonated with my ideal audience

The results were so transformative that I knew I had to share my strategies with fellow solopreneurs.

And so, The AI Audience Accelerator was born.


You've just launched a product you're insanely proud of. Your small but loyal audience is loving it. The reviews are glowing.

But your growth? It's flatter than a pancake that's been run over by a steamroller.

What gives?

Here's the harsh truth: In today's noisy digital landscape, even the best products can get lost in the shuffle.

Your potential customers are bombarded with ads, emails, and social media posts every day.

They've developed an ironclad resistance to traditional marketing.

But there's one thing they still trust: recommendations from people they know.

That's where referral programs come in.

  • Tap into the power of social proof and trusted recommendations

  • Acquire new customers at a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing

  • Create a self-perpetuating cycle (aka flywheel) of growth that builds momentum over time

Think about it:

When was the last time you tried a new product or service because a friend raved about it?

Chances are, it was pretty recently.

That's because humans are hardwired to trust the opinions of people in their social circles.

We're far more likely to take action on a recommendation from a friend than we are to click on a random ad.

But crafting a referral program that actually works? That's where things get tricky.

You need to strike the perfect balance between:

  • Offering an incentive juicy enough to motivate sharing

  • Keeping it cost-effective so you're not bleeding money

  • Making the process simple enough that people actually follow through

And that's where our good friend AI comes to the rescue.

With the right prompt, you can generate a smorgasbord of referral program ideas tailored to your specific business and audience.

No more racking your brain trying to come up with something original.

No more copying your competitors and hoping for the best.

Just pure, AI-powered inspiration to fuel your viral growth.

Ready to see how it works?

The "Viral Referral Generator" Prompt

Feed your business details into this prompt and watch as it spits out referral program ideas so good, your customers will be tripping over themselves to share:

I need help brainstorming referral program ideas for my  product/service.

Here is information about my product/service:


The current price point is [PRICE].

Please generate 5 unique referral program concepts that would incentivize my existing customers to refer new customers. For each concept, include:

A catchy name for the referral program
The core mechanics of how it works
The specific incentives for both the referrer and the new customer

The referral programs should be:

Easy to understand and participate in
Cost-effective to implement
Aligned with my brand and target audience
Scalable as my business grows

Please also suggest creative ways to promote the referral program to my existing customers and make it a natural part of their experience with my product/service.


  1. Replace [PRODUCT/SERVICE DETAILS] with a brief description of what you offer.

    β€’ Example: "The AI Audience Accelerator β€” an AI-powered content creation course for solopreneurs. In it, I teach solopreneurs how to use AI to create content 10x faster and grow their audience on platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn."

  2. Add your current [PRICE] point.

    β€’ Example: "$247 one-time fee"

Here’s what this prompt on Claude 3.5 Sonnet whipped up for me for my digital product β€” The AI Audience AcceleratorπŸ˜€ 

Pretty slick, right?

Now you've got a goldmine of referral program ideas to choose from, each one crafted specifically for your business and audience.

  • Why referral programs are the secret sauce to explosive growth (no fireworks required)

  • The "Viral Referral Generator" AI prompt for brainstorming killer referral program ideas (faster than you can say "word of mouth")

  • Examples of how to implement your AI-generated referral strategies (and watch your audience multiply like rabbits)

So here's your homework:

Fire up that AI and generate some referral program ideas for your business.

Pick the one that resonates most with your brand and audience.

Then take action and implement it. Like, yesterday.

Because every day you're not leveraging the power of referrals is a day you're leaving money (and growth) on the table.

Catch ya on the flip side, my friend 🫑 

Keep diving,


P.S. β€” Over 290 people enrolled in the AI Course Creator recently.

Missed it?

>>> Join the waitlist for the next launch.

P.P.S. β€” Don't have an audience to sell to yet?

No problem.

My first course β€” The AI Audience Accelerator β€” will help you leverage AI to go viral with ease and create 1 week of content in 1 hour.

It's the ultimate tool for accelerating your X and LinkedIn audience growth faster than the competition.

(I used these AI systems to go from 0 to 100K X followers in 65 days).

​>>> Click here to check it out.

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