šŸ™ How to use AI to cut communication time in half

regain 1 day a week to make more $$$

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Communication is the silent killer of your income.

You can easily spend 2 hours a day writing emails and earn $0, yet still feel productiveā€¦

ā€¦even though you couldā€™ve made $500 doing high-level work in the meantime!

Itā€™s a real problem:

According to Microsoft, the average worker spends around 11 hours a week (!) managing and writing emails alone.

Eleven. Shit.

For white-collar corporate professionals, thatā€™s not a big problem - they get paid regardless what they do.

But we solopreneurs only get paid when we do the actual work.

Every unpaid minute spent writing emails is a minute you couldā€™ve spent doing high-level work.

Thatā€™s why in this email, Iā€™ll share 3 AI-powered methods that will cut your communication time in half.

I call it my AI Communication System.

Youā€™ll learn:

  • My system for saving AI prompts to reuse (and automate) common replies

  • How to use Claude to speed write professional emails in seconds

  • How to effortlessly capture meeting notes and share summaries with Otter AI

This edition is a bit more ā€œback to the basicsā€ but honestly, thatā€™s why it will apply to almost everyone reading this and save you hours of your time every week.

Letā€™s regain our lost timeā€¦and stop wasting time on boring, unpaid communication!

How I went from 0 to 300k profits in 7 months

9 months ago, the FTX scam stole my hard-earned money.

But through consistent content creation and the use of AI, I was able to get back on my feet again in record time.

Thatā€™s why I built my course, the AI Audience Accelerator.

It will teach you:

  • How to create a week's worth of content in 1 hour

  • How to create content that sounds like YOU

  • AI Systems that skyrocketed my growth

1820 people joined the course and their reviews are incredible.

My system for saving AI prompts to reuse (and automate) common replies

My most surprising user feedback from launching the AI Audience Accelerator (my AI content system) last August was:

ā€œOle, your prompt managing system alone was worth the investment. Itā€™s saved me hours alreadyā€

Thanks, I guess, but I deserve no credit:

This ā€œprompt managing systemā€ is just a simple Chrome extension.

Itā€™s called Textblaze, and it works like this:

You type a shortcut and it replaces it with a pre-written text snippet.

How to use Textblaze to save time:

1) Whenever you send an email that you know youā€™ll have to send again, take 1 minute to save it in Textblaze, so next time you can paste it in seconds

2) Save your ChatGPT prompts in Textblaze (like this)

3) Save common phrases like ā€œappreciate youā€ in Textblaze (especially helpful for replying to comments on social media)

Whatever you type often, you can save in Textblaze.

To install it, simply head to Textblaze and download the extension.

How to use Claude to speed write professional emails in seconds

Iā€™ll get straight to the point:

Replying to emails with AI is so fast. Just paste the email you want to reply to into this prompt and write the tl;dr of what you want to say:


I want you to draft a concise, yet professional and friendly reply to the above email saying [WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY]. Max 150 wordsā€

The best part about it?

You can FINALLY be frank in your replies.

You donā€™t have to adjust your language for politeness anymore - because AI will do it for you.

For example, say one of those sleazy salesmen reaches out to you:

Me: ā€œfuck offā€

ā€¦and ChatGPT converts it into a perfectly polite email:

This is peak AI.

(just wait until corporates hear about this)

How to effortlessly capture meeting notes and share summaries with Otter AI

Another massive time-eater is taking meeting notes manually and debriefing clients and/or team members.

There are a bunch of reliable apps for AI note-taking. I use Otter

3 ways to save time with Otter:

1) Combine Otter with the email writing prompt and send meeting debriefs.

You can copy any meeting transcript after recording it with Otter, then use that transcript to draft emails:

I want you to draft a concise, yet professional and friendly email summing up the key takeaways from this meeting:


2) Draft texts on a walk with otter

If you have the Otter app, you can transcribe your ideas on the go and then turn them into texts with ChatGPT later.

3) Searchable meeting notes

You wonā€™t ever have to search through a bunch of manual notes anymore.

In otter, you can search the transcript and even re-listen to the conversation

You can install Otter by following the tutorial on their website.


  • My system for saving AI prompts to reuse (and automate) common replies

  • How to use Claude to speed write professional emails in seconds

  • How to effortlessly capture meeting notes and share summaries with Otter AI

Itā€™s time to pack my bags again.

Tomorrow Iā€™ll exchange Cypriot chicken souvlaki for spicy Papaya Salad.

Next stop, Bangkok.

Fun Fact: T

The very first AI Solopreneur post in early 2023 was launched from a Thai bungalow on Koh Phangan.

Keep diving,


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4 weeks until launch.

I made over $300,000 in 150 days selling my online course. Iā€™m now creating a course on how to use AI to build and sell a digital product in record time (without being an expert or paying 10k to consultants)

Donā€™t have an audience yet to sell to?

No problem, my last course will help you create 1 weekā€™s worth of content

in 1 hour using AI and grow your audience.