šŸ™ How to use AI to guarantee flawless work and never dissatisfy a client again

my exact checklist for error-free delivery that clients love

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As solopreneurs, we have to be jacks of all trades ā€” the writer, the accountant, the customer service rep.

Itā€™s easy to get overwhelmed trying to manage everything ourselves and still deliver quality work. I mean, we're only human.

But what if I told you there's now a way to guarantee flawless work, every time?

Today, Iā€™ll show you how to leverage AI to set up near-automatic quality assurance, so that you never dissatisfy a single client because of a minor typo ever again.

Weā€™ll cover:

  • How to turn the boring work into your secret weapon (hint: it earns you a lot of money)

  • My 3-step DCB framework to create a quality assurance process for any deliverable using GPT

  • How to ensure flawless delivery every time through the Quality Assurance Quentin prompt


Yes, you heard that right.

Today, weā€™ll make this motherf*cker work for you:

Quentin Tarantino

Read onā€¦

How I went from 0 to 300k profits in 7 months

9 months ago, the FTX scam stole my hard-earned money.

But through consistent content creation and the use of AI, I was able to get back on my feet again in record time.

Thatā€™s why I built my course, the AI Audience Accelerator.

It will teach you:

  • How to create a week's worth of content in 1 hour

  • How to create content that sounds like YOU

  • AI Systems that skyrocketed my growth

1800 people bought the course and their reviews are incredible.

How to turn the boring work into your secret weapon (hint: it earns you a lot of money)

Hereā€™s something they never tell you about being a solopreneur:

The real moneymakers arenā€™t the big ideas or vanity metrics.

Itā€™s the boring stuff:

The quality assurance.

The project management.

Submitting your invoices on time.

I know, I know. Not sexy at all.

But hereā€™s the thing:

Perfect execution compounds. Do the boring stuff flawlessly every time, and soon youā€™ll have hordes of raving fans (or, at least, dozens of happy, high-paying clients).

Because when you consistently overdeliver beyond expectations...

...you create true believers who canā€™t wait to give you more business and tell all their friends about you.

Everyone knows that you should overdeliver. But nobody does it. Why?

Itā€™s because almost nobody operationalizes over-delivery.

Solopreneurs rely on willpower - but quality assurance is actually boring as HELL.

You canā€™t scale excellence without a system.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve gotten into AI-empowered quality assurance lately.

We all know quality matters, but exhaustive checks waste precious time.

The solution?

Minimum Viable Excellence (MVE).

MVE means defining the vital elements that constitute quality output for each task.

For example, say youā€™re a copywriter writing blog posts.

Your MVE could include:

  • No grammar/spelling errors

  • Includes relevant images

  • Clear action steps

  • Brand tone of voice

After writing your blog post, youā€™d run it through your AI-quality assistant to ensure you didnā€™t miss any details.

How to create automatic quality assurance processes:

My 3-step DCB framework to create a quality assurance process for any deliverable using GPT

This is a general framework you can use to create quality assurance for anything:

Be it copywriting, design (use GPT-4ā€™s vision ability) or even code.

Hereā€™s how it works:

1) D - Define minimum viable excellence

List the 4-7 non-negotiable elements that constitute quality work for a particular task or deliverable. These are the vital few criteria that matter most.

For example, for a client report, your MVE could include:

  • No grammar/spelling errors

  • Includes 3 relevant images

  • 3 clear action steps for the client

  • Matches client brand tone

Stuck already?

Feed ChatGPT a perfect example of a previous deliverable (whether its an email, LinkedIn post, or a design) and prompt it:

I need your help to brainstorm quality markers for my deliverable [INSERT DELIVERABLE]. Please articulate what makes a great deliverable great so I can use it for a checklist.

2) C - Create an MVE checklist

After youā€™ve defined the 5-7 quality markers of your MVE, turn it into a simple checklist by prompting ChatGPT:

I need your help to brainstorm a quality assurance checklist for you deliverable [INSERT DELIVERABLE]. Below is a perfect example of it. Please study it and come up with a 5-7 quality marker checklist that I can put other deliverables through to ensure excellent quality.

Here are some quality markers I consider:


3) B - Build review prompts

Lastly, assemble your quality assurance prompt.

Hereā€™s how to do it:

How to ensure flawless delivery every time through the Quality Assurance Quentin prompt

Adjust this meta prompt to your deliverable and markers of excellence to get a quality review every time before a client send over:


I want you to act as Quality Assurance Quentin. Your job is to review the above deliverable based on a checklist of quality markers Iā€™ve defined. Here are the quality markers:


In your output, please rank each quality marker from 1-10. Anything under a 9 is unacceptable and should be flagged with a red cross emoji.

Whenever I score lower than 9 on a requirement, explain where I need to make tweaks to bring it up to a 9 in quality standards.
  1. Fill in the [INSERT DELIVERABLE] placeholder with the deliverable you Quentin to review. This could be a document, presentation, email, or anything else you need quality-checked.


    Here is the email I drafted to the client:

    [Insert example email]

  2. Fill in the [INSERT QUALITY MARKERS] placeholder with the 5-7 quality markers from step 1 & 2.

    These are the criteria Quentin will score the deliverable on from 1-10.


    • Clear and concise writing

    • Professional tone

    • Accurate information

    • Well-organized structure

    • Persuasive messaging

    • Error-free

Hereā€™s the feedback it gave me on this newsletter

Iā€¦ like Quentin.

After youā€™ve set up this prompt once, I suggest you store it in Textblaze so itā€™s easy to access.

If you run an agency or bigger business, you can also create a no-code automation using Zapier or Make that automatically reviews deliverables.

That way, you save hours a week of your own & senior teamā€™s time of going though simple feedback like grammar or flow.


  • How to turn the boring work into your secret weapon (hint: it earns you a lot of money)

  • My 3-step DCB framework to create a quality assurance process for any deliverable using GPT

  • How to ensure flawless delivery every time through the Quality Assurance Quentin prompt

Iā€™m in full-on monk mode right now.

Recording all missing lessons for my next course release, the AI Course Creator.

I canā€™t wait to share this with the world.

There is nothing out there like this course.

If you want to join 2200+ people on the waitlist, you can do it here.

Release will be in around 5 weeks, more info soon.

Keep diving,


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5 weeks until launch.

I made over $300,000 in 150 days selling my online course. Iā€™m now creating a course on how to use AI to build and sell a digital product in record time (without being an expert or paying 10k to consultants)

Donā€™t have an audience yet to sell to?

No problem, my last course will help you create 1 weekā€™s worth of content

in 1 hour using AI and grow your audience.