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  • šŸ™ How to Use ChatGPT to Analyze and Replicate Your Successful LinkedIn Posts for Consistent Virality

šŸ™ How to Use ChatGPT to Analyze and Replicate Your Successful LinkedIn Posts for Consistent Virality

the data-driven secrets by Justin Welsh, Dan Koe & Co

Read time: 6 minutes | Sponsor this newsletter

Greet from the deep,

What if I told you the secret to being a top LinkedIn creator has nothing to do with luck or magic?

What if going viral consistently was actually a science - a formula you could decode and replicate at will?

I know it sounds more fake than an ABIBAS shoe, but stay with me here.

The truth is, top creators CREATE virality through calculated, data-driven content creation.

And today, I'm going to show you exactly how they do it - and how you can do so yourself.

You're about to discover:

  • The insider formula used by creators like Dan Koe and Justin Welsh to achieve virality consistency

  • A stupidly simple 3-step blueprint for analyzing and replicating your own best-performing content

  • How to generate endless viral LinkedIn post ideas tailored to your audienceā€™s interests with the Idea Re-Imaginator prompt

Trust me, you won't look at creating content the same way again after reading this.

If you've struggled to gain traction, prepare for everything to change.

Letā€™s dive into the code behind creating virality...

9 months ago, the FTX scam stole my hard-earned money.

But through consistent content creation and the use of AI, I was able to get back on my feet again in record time (and create >350k in revenue)

Thatā€™s why I built my course, the AI Audience Accelerator.

It will teach you:

  • How to create a week's worth of content in 1 hour

  • How to create content that sounds like YOU

  • AI Systems that skyrocketed my growth

1820 people joined the course and their reviews are incredible.

The insider formula used by creators like Dan Koe and Justin Welsh to achieve viral consistency

The formula is simple:

Analyze Data ā†’ Identify Patterns ā†’ Replicate Wins

If you donā€™t carefully analyze what content is working for you (and what isnā€™t), youā€™ll stay stuck on the content hamster wheel FORVEVER.


Because without data, you have no clue which posts perform best.

This will make you feel just like a vegetarian at a barbecue competition:

Out of place, frustrated, and likely to eventually quit.

You see, Dan Koe, Justin Welsh, and other top creators ruthlessly track engagement data to learn what works.

This lets them separate the viral posts from the flops.

They extract the ā€œprovenā€ parts from their best-performing posts and bake them into their new content.

Losers get filtered out. Hype gets amplified.

Over time, this flywheel helps each of the creators find their own ā€œvirality formulaā€, the big content hits they can play over and over again.

Theyā€™ve spent 3+ years doing this, so now they go viral in 8/10 cases.

The best part?

Now you can implement this yourself by following a simple 3-step blueprint.

Letā€™s dive in.

A stupidly simple 7-step blueprint for analyzing and replicating your own best-performing content

Step 1: Get PhantomBuster

PhantomBuster is a web app that allows you to run LinkedIn automations.

Weā€™ll use it to export all of our posts.

Sign up for free here (not affiliated)

Step 2: Use the LinkedIn Activity Extractor to scrape your posts

Step 3: Press ā€œuse this Phantomā€

Step 4: Paste your LinkedIn URL into the URL field:

Step 5: Follow the steps on screen to install the PhantomBuster Chrome Extension and paste your session cookie

Step 6: Under ā€œBehaviourā€, use these settings:

(Since a month ago, PhantomBuster's free plan only allows us to export 10 posts for analysis in the next step, but having more doesnā€™t hurt, right?)

Step 7: Press ā€œlaunchā€ and then ā€œDownload Resultsā€

Youā€™ll get a .csv file with 10 results.

Now, letā€™s use ChatGPT to analyse thoseā€¦

3) Use ChatGPT code interpreter to find patterns in your BEST content

Paste your .csv file into ChatGPT and tell it:

I've attached my latest LinkedIn posts. Your job is to analyze them and to find the 3 top performing posts, and then to identify patterns among these.

Your job is to find patterns and or hypotheses I can use to come up with novel content ideas that piggyback on the inspiration of these past winners.

How to generate endless viral LinkedIn post ideas tailored to your audienceā€™s interests with the Idea Re-Imaginator prompt

After exporting your .csv file from Phantombuster, upload it into ChatGPT Plus and tell it:

I've attached my latest LinkedIn posts. Your job is to analyze them and to find the 3 top performing posts, and then to identify patterns among these.

Your job is to find patterns and or hypotheses I can use to come up with novel content ideas that piggyback on the inspiration of these past winners.
  1. Paste your .csv file with your past content

  2. Paste the prompt

  3. Use the new content ideas to guide your next content

Hereā€™s an example of itā€™s output:


  • The insider formula used by creators like Dan Koe and Justin Welsh to achieve virality consistency

  • A stupidly simple 3-step blueprint for analyzing and replicating your own best-performing content

  • How to generate endless viral LinkedIn post ideas tailored to your audienceā€™s interests with the Idea Re-Imaginator prompt

My days in Thailand are coming to an end.

I need to go back to Germany to get a new passport as Iā€™m invited

to speak in Las Vegas next month.

Iā€™m too scared the US wonā€™t let me in with my f*cked up old passport.

Exciting weeks ahead!

Keep diving,


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I made over $300,000 in 150 days selling my online course. Iā€™m now creating a course on how to use AI to build and sell a digital product in record time (without being an expert or paying 10k to consultants)

Donā€™t have an audience yet to sell to?

No problem, my last course will help you create 1 weekā€™s worth of content

in 1 hour using AI and grow your audience.