How to use ChatGPT to tell selling product stories

Feat: NPCs taking over the world + Tool to create storytelling pitch decks in minutes

Read time: 3 minutes

Greet from the deep,

Ole from the AI Solopreneur here.

Get a glimpse at today’s treasure:

  • 📝 ChatGPT prompt: Learn how to sell products through stories

  • 🛠️ Tome AI: Create story-powered slide decks in minutes

  • 🎥 Video: AI-NPCs are taking over video games (and what this means for solopreneurs)

Let’s d-d-d-d-dive in! 🤿

Prompt: Learn how to sell products through stories using ChatGPT 📝

What do children’s books and Fox News have in common?

They contain compelling stories that attract interest.

(and their narrators are made obsolete after a few years - sorry Tucker Carlson)

In either case…

Stories are the most effective marketing tool for businesses.

Russel Brunson’s obsessed with them.


Implementing stories into your marketing can be difficult.

Use this ChatGPT prompt to get storytelling advice for your business:

Teach me storytelling techniques for creating compelling [short-form text/marketing/LinkedIn] content to promote my [PRODUCT]. Also, create 10 content pieces I can use to promote my [PRODUCT].

For context:

I am a [WHAT YOU DO] and I'm building [WHAT PRODUCT YOU'RE BUILDING]. [HOW YOUR PRODUCT WORKS]. My unique value proposition is that [WHAT MAKES YOUR PRODUCT/SERVICE UNIQUE]. Another common reason why people love [YOUR PRODUCT] is because of [LIST OTHER BENEFITS OF YOUR PRODUCT/SERVICE].

For example, here’s what it told me about growing this newsletter:

  • Understand how to create & implement stories in your marketing

  • Attract more customers by tellings stories in your content

  • Get 10 actionable story content ideas for your brand

Tome AI: Create story-powered slide decks in minutes 🛠️

Speaking about stories…

Tome AI helps you craft sleek, story-powered slide decks in minutes.

You can use it to:

  • Create educational resources for your business

  • Create any kind of pitch deck with a single prompt

  • Involve storytelling in your pitch decks using their AI

Here’s how it looks.

You can try Tome here:

  • Create sleek pitch decks in minutes

  • Skip the writing with AI-powered image descriptions

  • Create sales pitches with AI-powered stories to make more $$$

Tweet: You can now use ChatGPT to create mind maps in seconds 🐦

Ok I’m pulling a sneaky one on you…

Because this is, in fact, a second tool in the same newsletter.

I hope you forgive me when you see how cool it is:

ChatGPT-2D creates mind maps to brainstorm any topic with ChatGPT:

Use the tool here:

  • Let it brainstorm content ideas for you

  • Research any content topic with mind maps

  • Use it’s “understand” function to dissect complex topics

Video: AI NPCs arrive in the world of gaming 📹

Human NPCs have been around for decades.

Now, digital NPCs are following suit.

This video shows a gamer interaction with what appears to be a GPT-powered NPC:


ChatGPT -driven NPC experiment 1, OpenAI's Whisper, GPT-3.5 Turbo, Elevenlabs #ChatGPT #AI #VR #Unity

  • Video game characters are only the beginning.

  • I envision a future where solopreneurs essentially run an army of AI-steered NPCs for customer service, low-leveraged tasks, and other stuff.

  • Get familiar with seeing more AI-powered entities in everyday life.

(on a side note, my inner gaming child’s getting really excited about AI-powered Pokémon games with smart trainers and cooler interactions)

Meme 👻

credit: AI Notkilleveryoneism Memes

Wrap up

That’s it for today’s treasure.

You learned:

  • What Fox News & children’s books have in common

  • How to use ChatGPT to narrate marketing stories

  • How to use Tome to create slide decks in minutes

Keep diving,

PS. Community launching this week. First invites are going out on Wednesday.

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