πŸ™ The "Vulnerability Virtuoso" Prompt

make your AI-generated content instantly more relatable

Hey there, solopreneur!

Be honest: when's the last time a piece of content made you feel something?

I'm not talking about a fleeting chuckle or a momentary "huh, that's interesting."

I mean the kind of content that grabs you by the heartstrings, making you feel seen, understood, and connected on a deep, human level.

In the age of AI-generated everything, that kind of content is rarer than a unicorn sighting.

And that's a damn shame.

Because in a sea of generic, soulless content, the creators who have the courage to infuse their unique personality and vulnerability?

They're the ones who stand out like a beacon, attracting an audience of raving fans who'd follow them to the ends of the earth.

(or more realistically, at least to the "subscribe" button)

"Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren't always comfortable, but they're never weakness."

BrenΓ© Brown

Today, we're diving deep into the art of infusing your content with the secret sauce that turns casual readers into lifelong devotees: your one-of-a-kind personality and vulnerability.

You’ll learn:

  • The astonishing power of vulnerability for building an unshakeable bond with your audience

  • My "Vulnerability Virtuoso" prompt for generating content that oozes authenticity and personality

  • Real-world examples of successful content through the power of being unapologetically unique

Let's. Get. Vulnerable. 😳

How I Gained 100K Followers in Under 3 Months

As someone who's built a thriving online business from scratch, I know firsthand how game-changing the right strategies can be.

After losing nearly everything in the FTX crypto collapse, I was determined to rebuild stronger than ever.

That's when I discovered the power of AI for content creation.

By leveraging AI tools and frameworks, I was able to:

  • Create a week's worth of high-quality content in just 1 hour

  • Skyrocket my audience growth to 100K followers in 65 days

  • Generate content that authentically resonated with my ideal audience

The results were so transformative that I knew I had to share my strategies with fellow solopreneurs.

And so, The AI Audience Accelerator was born.

Why Authenticity Is The Ultimate Attractor

Have you ever found yourself yelling at the TV, "Oh come on, no one actually talks like that!" during a particularly cringeworthy infomercial?

That's the problem with most AI-generated content these days.

It's stiff. It's robotic. It's about as authentic as a three-dollar bill.

And your audience? They can smell the BS from a mile away.

Because here's the thing: in a world where we're bombarded with 1000s of messages every day, people crave authentic connection more than ever.

They don't want to be talked at by a faceless brand.

They want to feel like they're being spoken to by a real, flawed, relatable human being.

Someone who isn't afraid to let their quirks, opinions, and vulnerabilities shine through.

Someone who makes them feel less alone in their own struggles and aspirations.

Someone they can trust, root for, and genuinely bond with.


β€’ Differentiate yourself from the sea of bland, forgettable content cluttering the web

β€’ Foster a deep, emotional connection with your audience that goes beyond surface-level engagement

β€’ Build unshakeable know-like-trust, making your audience far more likely to buy from you

Take my own writing, for example.

I'm not afraid to crack a few dad jokes, share embarrassing stories, or even use the occasional (gasp) curse word, because that's who I am IRL.

And you know what? My audience f*cking loves it.

They often write to me saying how refreshing it is to read content that sounds like it's coming from an actual human being.

That's the power of infusing your personality into your content.

But what about vulnerability?

Well, that's the secret ingredient that takes audience connection to a whole new level.

When you have the courage to open up about your fears, flaws, and failures, something magical happens.

Your audience starts to see themselves in you.

They think, "Hey, this person isn't some untouchable guru on a pedestal. They're a real human, just like me, who's been through some shit."

That's when the real bonding begins.

Because vulnerability breeds empathy, and empathy breeds trust.

And when your audience trusts you? They're far more likely to join your email list, sign up for your course, or hit that "buy now" button.

Of course, vulnerability is f*cking scary.

But trust me: the rewards are so worth it.

When you find the courage to be vulnerable in your content, you give others the permission to do the same.

You create a safe space where your audience feels seen, heard, and understood on a soul level.

And that kind of bond is unbreakable.

So if you're ready to inject your content with a triple shot of personality and vulnerability, I've got just the prompt for you…

The "Vulnerability Virtuoso" Prompt

Ready to create content that's so authentically you, your audience will feel like they're reading a letter from an old friend? Just fill out this quick, 1-step prompt:

I want to infuse more vulnerability and personality into a piece of content I'm creating.

Here is the content topic (or piece):


Please brainstorm 10 unique angles or personal stories I could explore to add more authenticity and vulnerability to this piece.

These could be:

Challenges or fears I've faced related to the topic and how I overcame them
Embarrassing or humbling moments that taught me an important lesson
Times I've felt like an impostor or fraud and how I worked through those feelings
Unconventional beliefs or quirks I have that shape my perspective
Relatable examples of how the topic has impacted my life or business personally

The goal is to find angles that humanize me and help my audience see themselves in my experiences.

For each angle, include:

A one-sentence summary of the main idea
A sample opening line to hook the reader and set the tone


  1. Replace [CONTENT] with a brief description of your content topic and the key message or takeaway you want to convey.

    • Example: "How I use AI in my online business.”

  2. [OPTIONAL] Instead of inputting the content topic, you can also copy-paste a full post into the [CONTENT] bracket. The prompt will then point out areas in your post where you can infuse vulnerability to make it more viral and powerful.

Here's an example of what this prompt generated for my topic above:

See how each angle offers a unique, human window into the creator's experience?

Your audience will immediately notice it.

Because it’s basic human psychology to want to know how other humans feel and think about things.


β€’ Why infusing vulnerability and personality into your content is non-negotiable for building real, lasting audience connections

β€’ The "Vulnerable Virtuoso" prompt for generating 10 authentic story angles to explore in your content

β€’ The power of showing up as your true, flawed self to create content that resonates on a deep, human level

It's time to stop hiding behind the mask of perfection and start infusing your content with the magic ingredient that turns casual readers into lifelong fans:


Your quirks, your fears, your hard-won lessons and lightbulb moments.

There's nothing more refreshing than a creator who says:

"Hey, I'm human, flawed, just like you. Let's navigate this beautiful, messy journey together."

So go on. Be real. Be unapologetically you.

Your 1,000 true fans are waiting.

Keep diving,


P.S. β€” Over 230 people enrolled in the AI Course Creator recently.

Missed it?

>>> Join the waitlist for the next launch.

P.P.S. β€” Don't have an audience to sell to yet?

No problem.

My first course β€” The AI Audience Accelerator β€” will help you leverage AI to go viral with ease and create 1 week of content in 1 hour.

It's the ultimate tool for accelerating your X and LinkedIn audience growth faster than the competition.

(I used these AI systems to go from 0 to 100K X followers in 65 days).

​>>> Click here to check it out.

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