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  • 🐙 Create Original Content by Finding Your Contrarian Beliefs Like Peter Thiel

🐙 Create Original Content by Finding Your Contrarian Beliefs Like Peter Thiel

Win big by swimming against the current

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Greet from the deep,

It’s Ole from the AI Solopreneur here - the solopreneur newsletter that teaches you how to grow your business with AI.

Today, we'll talk about finding contrarian content ideas and creating thought-provoking content that'll make your audience go:

"Huh, I never thought of it that way before..."

Let’s d-d-d-d-dive in! 🤿

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Today, Peter Thiel is known for co-founding Paypal, being Facebook’s first big investor, and his book “Zero to One”.

He also named one of his companies like the seeing-stones in Lord of the Rings (Palantir).

(cred. Michael Del Castillo)

What a G.

Thiel became a billionaire by seeing what others didn’t - contrarian ideas.

The premise of contrarian ideas is simple:

If you think and do what 99% of people do, you'll always be part of the crowd, stuck in the noisy middle.

If you want to see success only 1% of people see, you need to be comfortable having ideas only 1% of people have.

As a side benefit, contrarian ideas also make for popular content:

Why Swimming Against the Content Current Gets You Fans

When you go against the grain, you make waves, you get noticed.

When Sean Puri published this thread in 2021, everyone thought Clubhouse would be the next BIG thing:

Not only did the contrarian thread blow up, but it also built authority because his prediction turned out to be true.

(2 years later, Clubhouse is now as relevant as my Blackberry from 2008)

The Power of Predictions

Making predictions is a solid way to create contrarian content.

If your prediction is correct, you look like a genius.

If it's wrong, well, at least you sparked some debate.

The golden rule here is that you should only make predictions you believe in, otherwise, it’s gonna backfire heavily.

Just remember to not predict the end of the world too often, okay?

The 'Love to Hate' Effect: Why Everyone Reads Contrarian Content

Contrarian content also tends to go viral because it attracts both groups:

1) The chads who agree with you and want to learn more

2) The Karens who disagree and want to prove you wrong (usually those are higher in number)

And both sides, whether they love or hate your content, end up sharing it - you win.

I grew my Twitter from 0 to 100k in 65 days using my AI content systems

Now I’m creating a course, the AI Audience Accelerator.

It will teach you:

  • How to create a week's worth of content in 1 hour

  • How to create Content that sounds like YOU

  • AI Systems that skyrocketed my growth

It will launch in the first week of August.

I grew my Twitter from 0 to 100k in 65 days using my AI content systems

Now I’m creating a course, the AI Audience Accelerator.

It will teach you:

  • How to create a week's worth of content in 1 hour

  • How to create Content that sounds like YOU

  • AI Systems that skyrocketed my growth

It will launch in the first week of August.

Prompt: The Crazy Contrarian Conceptualizer to Get Unique Ideas

The main issue with contrarian ideas:

Because they are uncommon, they can be time-consuming to spot.

This prompt helps you brainstorm 20 contrarian content ideas within your niche that you can write about:

I need you to come up with contrarian ideas about [WHAT YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT]

For context, [GIVE CONTEXT]

To identify contrarian ideas, follow this process:

1) Identify widely held beliefs or trends in a given area.
2) Question why these beliefs are held and whether they are justified.
3) Consider alternative viewpoints or scenarios that go against the grain.
4) Suggest 20 contrarian content ideas I could write about in the given area

Your output should contain your reasoning on each step.

How to use the “Crazy Contrarian Conceptualizer”:

  1. Fill in the [WHAT YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT] placeholder with your niche, i.e what you want to create content around

  2. Fill in the [GIVE CONTEXT] placeholder with context:

    What do you offer?

    Who are you writing for

    What do you want to achieve with your content?

  3. Take the ideas that resonate with you & create content around them


    (continue to scroll to see prompts for turning ideas into posts)

Here are some contrarian ideas GPT-4 gave me:

Wrap up


  • How Peter Thiel made it big by embracing contrarian ideas, and you can too.

  • Contrarian content gets more engagement because it's different and sparks debate.

  • How to find unique content ideas with the GPT-4 Crazy Contrarian Conceptualizer

Pro tip: You can combine the Crazy Contrarian Conceptualizer with the LinkedIn & Twitter post writers to expand your contrarian ideas into posts in 10 seconds

I’ve been going full monk mode to finish up my upcoming course.
This is me working on it in my basement.

Keep diving,


PS. I want to create the best content possible for you. Please let me know what you would like to hear more about. Just reply to this email, I read every single response!

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