šŸ™ The complete LinkedIn funnel blueprint to get 5 warm leads every week

here's your strategy for you

Read time: 5 minutes

Ikea furniture assembly.

Using every feature on a German car.

LinkedIn lead generation.

What do these have in common?

They're the top 3 most overcomplicated things in the universe!

Most people make LinkedIn way too complex. 

But here's the thing - the hard part shouldn't be strategizing.

It should be having the patience to keep executing day in, day out.

(and for that, you can use the AI Audience Accelerator)

Back when I started writing online, I desperately wanted someone to just hand me a done-for-you funnel blueprint. So today, I'll try to be that someone for you.

In this edition you'll discover:

  • Warm Inbound Lead Gen 101: How to Make Strangers Ape About You

  • My 4-Part LinkedIn Funnel Blueprint Framework (with Action Steps)

  • How to Get a Tailored LinkedIn Blueprint Built For You Using AI

Let's do this!

9 months ago, the FTX scam stole my hard-earned money.

But through consistent content creation and the use of AI, I was able to get back on my feet again in record time (and create >350k in revenue)

Thatā€™s why I built my course, the AI Audience Accelerator.

It will teach you:

  • How to create a week's worth of content in 1 hour

  • How to create content that sounds like YOU

  • AI Systems that skyrocketed my growth

1899 people joined the course and their reviews are incredible.

Warm Inbound Lead Gen 101: How to Make Strangers Ape About You

First of all, whatā€™s Warm Inbound?

All lead generation is broken down into 2 parts:

  • Cold outbound

  • Warm inbound

Outbound is kinda like a sales rep knocking doors like a Jehovah's Witness.

Youā€™re talking to people youā€™ve never met before selling something they donā€™t know shit about. Annoying AF.

Inbound is running an ice cream shop - attracting crowds by serving up sweet, sweet value.

What I like about inbound is that, at its core, itā€™s simple:

You need to provide value to other people and have a clear outwards value proposition.

You want to provide so much value that people just can't resist following you.

But you need a clear value prop so they know what you offer and where to direct their goodwill.

Think of lead generation like boiling water:

Apply consistent energy and those molecules will turn into hot leads.

(it takes time, at first nothing happens, then suddenly thereā€™s a lot of steam)

And then your offer is your way to capture the steam (or the steam-hot leads).

Now, the full LinkedIn lead generation blueprint I share with you consists of fours parts:

1) Finding your one-sentence LinkedIn value proposition

2) Creating and executing your top-of-funnel content plan

3) Turning your profile into a landing page

4) Putting in the DMs you need to get leads

Hereā€™s the breakdown:

(the prompt will guide you through all this later)


My 4-Part LinkedIn Funnel Blueprint Framework (with Action Steps)

This is the framework we will teach ChatGPT to apply for your brand in a second.

Your value proposition isnā€™t who you are, but WHO you help doing WHAT.

For example:

Helping web3 startups build their blockchain logistics

AI startups, Iā€™ll automate your onboarding in 2 weeks

You can use this template:




Need help finding your niche? Read this:

2) Creating and executing your top-of-funnel content plan

Getting attention on Linkedin is getting harder and harder.

That should motivate you to get started ASAP.

Hereā€™s what I find works right now:

  1. Broad growth content that has virality potential - new tools, curated lists, etc (if you have the AI Audience Accelerator, you can check it for growth content ideas)

  2. Video walkthroughs of tutorials. Show your process on screen and help your followers do the same. Great if youā€™re good on camera.

  3. Personal, broad posts with images. I donā€™t recommend doing too many of these because you wanna build an audience thatā€™s relevant to your offer, but sharing your story and showing yourself vulnerable is an easy way to build relationships and grow

A few weeks back, I created the LinkedIn content planner for you that helps you plan out 30 days of content:

Once you have the iedas, you can use these editions to actually write the content:

3) Turning your profile into a landing page

Attention is hard to get - and harder to retain.

Your profileā€™s goal is to retain as many viewers as possible.

Going into all the details would blow the scope of this edition, but I wrote a comprehensive guide you can check out here:

4) Putting in the DMs you need to get leads

LinkedIn is your reputation at scale.

You CAN get deals by just posting and not engaging at all, but at the end of the day, humans buy from humans. You need to build trust.

Thatā€™s why you need to engage with your followers in the DMs.

Do this:

  1. Every day, set aside 10-15 min to go through the likers & commenters of your latest post.

  2. If any of them are your target prospect, start a conversation with them.

  3. Donā€™t sell right away, but ask them questions. Be interested to be interesting.

  4. Do this for 4 weeks and I guarantee you will get deals.

Suck at selling in the DMs? Read this post to get AI help:

How to Get a Tailored LinkedIn Blueprint Built For You Using AI

This prompt guides you through the entire blueprint-creating process:

I need you to become "Linkedin Funnel Master", an AI specialized in content creation on Linkedin, content strategy, and persuasive advertising.

Your goal is to help me create a complete blueprint for my own LinkedIn funnel.

Every funnel consists of 4 parts:

1) How to find your one-sentence LinkedIn value proposition

Your value proposition isnā€™t who you are, but WHO you help doing WHAT.

For example:

Helping web3 startups build their blockchain logistics

AI startups, Iā€™ll automate your onboarding in 2 weeks

You can use this template:




2) Creating and executing your top-of-funnel content plan

Getting attention on Linkedin is getting harder and harder.

That should motivate you to get started ASAP.

Hereā€™s what I find works right now:

Broad growth content that has virality potential - new tools, curated lists, etc (if you have the AI Audience Accelerator, you can check it for growth content ideas)

Video walkthroughs of tutorials. Show your process on screen and help your followers do the same. Great if youā€™re good on camera.

Personal, broad posts with images. I donā€™t recommend doing too many of these because you wanna build an audience thatā€™s relevant to your offer, but sharing your story and showing yourself vulnerable is an easy way to build relationships and grow

3) Turning your profile into a landing page

Attention is hard to get - and harder to retain.

Your profileā€™s goal is to retain as many viewers as possible.

Going into all the details would blow the scope of this edition, but I wrote a comprehensive guide you can check out here:

4) Putting in the DMs you need to get leads

LinkedIn is your reputation at scale. 

You CAN get deals by just posting and not engaging at all, but at the end of the day, humans buy from humans. You need to build trust.

Thatā€™s why you need to engage with your followers in the DMs.

Do this:

Every day, set aside 10-15 min to go through the likers & commenters of your latest post.

If any of them are your target prospect, start a conversation with them.

Donā€™t sell right away, but ask them questions. Be interested to be interesting.

Do this for 4 weeks and I guarantee you will get deals.


Now, here's what we will do:

Step 1: You will help me clarify my one-sentence LinkedIn value proposition by asking 2-3 questions.
If I struggle, continue to ask until we got it narrowed down.

Step 2: Once we agree on a value proposition, draft out a 30-day content plan for me. Here are the content types explained:

Growth content attracts new eyes and potential leads by providing value quickly. It solves common problems and provides 'hacks/tips'.

Knowledge content teaches specialized information to build relationships and trust. It educates on specific topics relevant to ideal customers.

Authority content proves expertise and ability to get results. It uses social proof like case studies, stats, testimonials.

Now, do this:

1) Research my target customer. Output a table with my target customers' top 10 desires related to my industry, top 10 dreams they want to achieve, their top 10 fears holding them back, and their top 10 frustrations with status quo. Provide all of these in a shared table

2)  With those inputs, develop a month-long LinkedIn content plan for me with 10 posts per week, broken down as follows:

3 Growth content ideas addressing common frustrations
4 Knowledge content ideas addressing desires and dreams
3 Authority content ideas addressing fears and providing social proof

Make sure the content ideas speak directly to resolving the target audienceā€™s pain points and helping them achieve their goals. Show how my product/service is the solution.

The content ideas should bridge the target customers' desires, dreams, fears, and frustrations and the solution the user has

For each week, provide a brief title and description for each post so I understand what it is about. Format it as a table with columns for Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4 and rows for each day."

Step 3: Help me design my Linkedin profile in a way that is compelling to my target audience and resembles my value proposition

Step 4: Help me and advise me on operationalizing the blueprint
  1. Start a new chat and go through the exercise.

Hereā€™s an example of itā€™s output:


  • Warm Inbound Lead Gen 101: How to Make Strangers Ape About You

  • My 4-Part LinkedIn Funnel Blueprint Framework (with Action Steps)

  • How to Get a Tailored LinkedIn Blueprint Built For You Using AI

Today you got the blueprint for LinkedIn lead gen through value creation, optimized profiles, and engaged community building.

With your custom funnel set, soon you'll have strangers craving to work with you too.

Well, time to brave the German winter. My Thailand tan has gone soft. But my ritual evening shout-idea-into-phone walk awaits. Yes, I'm that guy shouting into his phone on evening walks :)

Until Wednesday.

Keep diving,


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I made over $300,000 in 150 days selling my online course. Iā€™m now creating a course on how to use AI to build and sell a digital product in record time (without being an expert or paying 10k to consultants)


Donā€™t have an audience yet to sell to?

No problem, my last course will help you create 1 weekā€™s worth of content

in 1 hour using AI and grow your audience.